A Translation Analysis Of Slang Words In The Subtitle Of The Movie Wild Child
Oleh :
Nor Lutfiyana A’isyah - C1306055 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This research focuses on the analysis of translation techniques and also to
asses the translation quality, from the aspects of accuracy and acceptability of
slang words translation in the subtitle of the movie, “Wild Child”
This research is descriptive qualitative reseach. The data source of the
research is “Wild Child” movie, both dialogues in source language and its
translation. There are 113 data which are taken to be data.
The finding of this research reveals that there are seven techniques applied
by the translator in translating slang words in Wild Child movie. These include
established equivalent technique, euphemism technique, variation technique,
omission technique, borrowing technique, Literal translation technique, and
addition technique. The most frequently applied technique in the translation of the
movie is literal translation technique. It is applied to 38 data (33,62%).
Meanwhile, the second most commonly applied technique in translating the slang
words in the movie is established equivalent technique. From 113 data, there are
37 data (32, 7%) data translated using this technique. While the third most
commonly used technique to translate the slang words is translation by using
omission technique. It is applied to 17 data (15, 0%). The fourth rank technique
applied to 6 data (5, 3%) is borrowing technique. While, the fifth rank technique
applied to 6 data (5, 3%) is translation by using variation technique. The sixth
technique applied to 7 data (6, 19%) is euphemism technique. The last technique
applied in translating slang words in “Wild Child” movie is addition technique. It
is only applied to 2 data (1, 76%).
The analysis of accuracy shows that the level of accuracy is considered to
be accurate. From 113 data, there are 92 accurate data, 7 less accurate data, and 14
inaccurate data. Meanwhile, the analysis of acceptability shows that the level of
acceptability is considered to be acceptable. From 113 data there are 90 acceptable
data, 16 less acceptable data, and 7 unacceptable data.