
Evaluasi sistem dan prosedur pengumpulan biaya perawatan pasien rawat inap pada RSO Prof. DR. R. Soeharso Surakarta

Oleh :
Hesti Yun Vicanawati - F3304061 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

ABSTRAK RSO PROF. DR. R. SOEHARSO SURAKARTA is an orthopedhi hospital belong to healthy department of Republic Indonesia. The rise of RSO PROF. DR. R. SOEHARSO SURAKARTA has been noted down as orthopedhi hospital and the first protesa an healthy service history in Indonesia. This reputation is need to be endured or increase by hard healthy workers, to increase the quality of main service in face free market on globalization era. By increasing amount of accident and the generative, the function of RSO PROF. DR. R. SOEHARSO SURAKARTA is not missing even it will be growth. As a center of national reconciliation in orthopedhi, RSO PROF. DR. R. SOEHARSO SURAKARTA has to increase the quality of healthy service in Indonesia. To execute a goods system and procedure is really needed in the operasional activity. One is system and procedur in collecting treatment cost of hospital patient. The system and procedure in collecting treatment cost of hospital patient in RSO PROF. DR. R. SOEHARSO SURAKARTA is really needed to support the hospital operational activity that will directly relate with the system of cash accepting. It is needed a good system in collecting treatment cost of hospital patient because the result from a good system and suitable with practice will give advantages in cash accepting for RSO PROF. DR. R. SOEHARSO SURAKARTA. After doing the research for RSO PROF. DR. R. SOEHARSO SURAKARTA in collecting treatment cost of hospital patient, apparenty the system is used in hospital is very good, it can be proven by the organization structure is clear the authority and responsibility, the function separation and the using of document that have the print of list numbers. Based on the result of the analysis, it can be reported suggestion those are on the system and procedure in collecting treatment cost of patient. It should be made a part or special function to calculate to treatment cost of patient. Beside that the calculation will be better if it is done every day because it can make easy the cost calculation. But actually the system and procedure that is used by RSO PROF. DR. R. SOEHARSO is very good. Keywords: Collecting treatment cost, procedure in collecting treatment cost of hospital patient, evaluation, Internal Controlling system.