Pembuatan Aplikasi Monitoring Perkuliahan Di Diploma III Teknik Informatika FMIPA Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
Oleh :
Rini Utami - M3110129 - Fak. MIPA
The development of information and communication technology is growing
rapidly. This enhancement can help lecture process at the university. The lecture
program implemented to achieve maximum goals in accordance with the plan.
One of the goals of lectures in D3 TI UNS is to educate students to attend classes
in accordance with a predetermined schedule. To achieve these objectives, the
implementation of the course needs to be monitored accurately.
The monitoring application is designed using multiple stages. The first
step is to design Context Diagram (CD), and the second step is create a Data
Flow Diagram (DFD), designing Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), and the
final step is designing database. This application is designed using MYSQL
database and PHP programming language.
This lecture monitoring application’s to outputs are list of courses that are
currently active, log lectures, student logs, attendance logs, and document print
out. This application can also calculate the percentage of student presence with
the graphs and charts of the percentage of student attendance.
Keywords: Monitoring, Lectures, PHP and MySQL