
The duties of guest relations officer in handling vip guests In kusuma sahid prince hotel Solo

Oleh :
Clevia Sinaryanti - C9309026 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This final project report is written based on the job training carried out in Kusuma Sahid Prince Hotel Solo from February 8th, 2012 to April 8th, 2012. The objectives of this report are to describe Kusuma Sahid Prince Hotel (KSPH), the daily routines of Guest Relations Officer, and to explain the duties of Guest Relations Officer in Handling VIP Guests. As part of International Hotel called Sahid Hotel Group, KSPH is often visited by Very Important Persons (VIP). In this case GRO has duty to handle this kind of guests, to give more attention, such as preparing special amenities, from entering the welcome letter, preparing fruit basket to helping the guests if there is a problem. Besides the writer also has an experience how to build a good teamwork in case the duty of Guest Relations Officer that is related with other department. In conclusion, Guest Relations Officer must be able to communicate well to guests and to other department in the hotel.