The Effectiveness Of Moodle To Teach Writing Viewed From Students’ Creativity (An Experimental Study At The Tenth Grade Students Of Sma N 7 Purworejo In The Academic Year Of 2012/2013)
Oleh :
Akhid Lutfian - S89110800 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
This research aims at describing out whether: (1) Moodle is more
effective than weblog media to teach writing to the tenth grade of SMA N 7
Purworejo in the Academic Year of 2012/2013; (2) the students who have high
creativity have better writing skill than those who have low creativity of the tenth
grade of that school; and (3) there is an interaction between teaching media and
creativity to teach writing to the tenth grade that school.
This experimental study was conducted at of SMA N 7 Purworejo in the
Academic Year of 2012/2013. The population in this research is the tenth grade
students of that school. The total number of population is 280 students coming
from nine classes. The samples are X.2 as the experiment class and X.3 as the
control class which each consist of 30 students. Each class was divided into two
groups (the students who have high and low creativity). The technique of
collecting the data, the researcher uses a test to get the data. A test uses for writing
test to get the data. In this research, there would be one kind of test. There is
writing test. The validity and reliability of writing test is measured to give the
accurate result. The data were analyzed by using Multifactor analysis of variance
ANOVA 2x2 and Tukey test.
Based on the result of analysis, there are some research findings that can
be taken: (1) Moodle is more effective than weblog to teach writing because Fo >
Ft and qo (between A1 and A2) > q; (2) the students who have high creativity have
better writing skill than those who have a low creativity because Fo > Ft and qo
(between B1 and B2) > qt; and (3) there is an interaction between teaching media
and creativity in teaching writing because Fo > Ft; and the result of Tukey test
shows that: (a) for the students having high creativity, Moodle differs significantly
from weblog to teach writing because qo (between A1B1 and A2B1) > qt; and (b)
for the students having low creativity, weblog differs significantly from Moodle to
teach writing because qo (between A1B2 and A2B2) > qt.
Based on the result of the research it implies that Moodle is very
effective for teaching writing for the tenth grade students that school. Therefore it
is recommended that: (1) it is better for teachers to apply Moodle in teaching and
learning process; (2) to improve the students’ creativity, Moodle can be used to
teach the students; (3) future the researchers can conduct with different sample a
different psychological aspect.