
Improving Students’ Speaking Ability Through Task-Based Learning (A Classroom Action Research On The Tenth Grade Students Of Smk N I Kedawung In The Academic Year Of 2012/2013)

Oleh :
Fitri Istiqomah - K2209033 - Fak. KIP

This study is based on the speaking problems of vocational school students. The aims of this study are to identify whether or not Task-Based Learning improves the students? speaking ability and to analyze the class climate when Task-Based Learning is implemented in the classroom. In the research, the writer conducted a classroom action research. The research was conducted in two cycles from February 28th to April 13th at the tenth grade students of SMK N 1 Kedawung. The Writer conducted two cycles of action research. The two cycles consisted of series of steps, namely: planning the action, implementing the action, observing the action, and reflecting the result of observation. The data of the research were collected through observation, interview, field notes, questionnaire, and test (pre-test and post-test). The qualitative data were analyzed through some steps proposed by Burns. They are assembling the data, coding the data, comparing the data, building interpretation, and reporting the outcomes. Meanwhile, the quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. The research findings show that Task-Based Learning improves students? speaking ability and the class climate when Task-Based Learning is applied during the teaching-learning process. The improvement of students? speaking ability includes: (1) students were able to state content of the speech; (2) the students were able to perform acceptable pronunciation; (3) the students could make utterances using correct grammar; (4) the students were able to use appropriate vocabulary to express ideas and; (5) the students could speak fluently. Meanwhile, the improvements of class climate includes: (1) the students were much easier to control; (2) the students became active in teaching and learning process; (3) there were interaction between teacher and students which could decrease students? anxiety in teaching and learning process; (4) there were interaction among the students which could support the teaching and learning process to be more active and; (5) the students were motivated to do the task. In addition, the final result of the tests showed that the students? scores were also improving. The mean score increased from 54.4 (pre-test) to 70.44 (test in cycle 1) and 78.75 (test in cycle 2). Based on the research finding, it shows that there is improvement in some aspects of students? speaking ability and class climate. It can be stated that English class was more conducive. It is recommended when applying Task-based learning to teach speaking, the teacher should guide the students to do the task well. Considering the inspiring result of this study, it is suggested that other teachers can use Task- Based Learning to overcome the students? problem in learning speaking