
Analisis Konteks Dan Implikatur Pada Novel 5 Cm Karya Donny Dhirgantoro

Oleh :
Ningtias - K1209047 - Fak. KIP

This research was aimed at three important points. First, to analize kind of contexts in novel 5 cm. Second, to explain implicature in novel 5 cm. Third, to explain education values in novel 5 cm. This research used method descriptive qualitative. Source of data in this research is documents which showed by conversations and naration in novel 5 cm. Technik of data collection in this research is documentation. Validity data in this research used triangulation theory. Technic analysis data in this research used flow model of analysis. Research procedure devided by arrange proposal, corpus data, collection, klasification and description data, analysis data, and arrange report. The research was aimed at describing the context, analysing the implicature, and exploring educative values within the novel "5 cm". The research applied descriptive qualitative method. Research findings: 1) There are four contexts found in the novel 5 cm, namely linguistic context, physical context, ephistemic context, and social context. 2) The implicature in the novel 5 cm is divided into two: conversational and conventional implicatures. 3) Educative value in the data is in general about a bravery to take a step to be worthy, to think creatively, raise a spirit to set up living, act positively toward circumstances, wisely select small and big intersections in the Big Master Plan human had since he was born, not to give up struggling for faith, get closer to God by believing in his existence, raise a spirit to stand tall when down, and believing the power of dream and belief. Conclution of this research are found four contexts (lingustic, physical, epistemic, and social), two kinds of implicature (conversational and conventional), and nine educative values in novel 5 cm. Key words: contexts, implicature, novel 5cm.