
News Publishing In Sukoharjo Local Government

Oleh :
Muhammad Arif Budiyanto - C9308109 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This final project report is written based on the job training done at Sukoharjo Local Government within a month in Public Relations Division. I did some jobs with the supervisor of Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government helping the supervisor to finish her job like writing press release, making clipping, attending events, etc., and to gain the information reported in this report. The objectives of this report are to evaluate the news publishing in Sukoharjo Local Government based on the existing condition and to propose improvement in the existing news publishing in Sukoharjo Local Government. The communication channels in Sukoharjo Local Government are Literature, Media Relations, Personal Presentation, Impersonal Presentation, and Permanent Media. This report is focused in news publishing. News publishing in Sukoharjo Local Government are magazine (literature), journalist organization (media reations) and internet (impersonal presentation). News publishing in Sukoharjo Local Government are less effective because, from the three channels that have mentioned, there are two channels that have not yet reached the purpose. Hopefully, this final project report can be a reference for Public Relations and Protocol Division of Sukoharjo Local Government to increase their quality to do their job.