
An Analysis Of Directive Speech Acts Employed By The Characters In The Movie Entitled “Captain America” (Pragmatics Approach)

Oleh :
Sharih Shadri - C0308068 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

The purpose of this research is to find out the types of directive speech acts employed by the characters in the film Captain America and to reveal the reasons why those directives are employed by the main characters. This research used descriptive qualitative method which took purposive sampling technique. The data of the research were taken from the dialogue containing Directives Speech Acts in the film entitled Captain America. They were classified by using Amy B M Tsui’s theory. The findings of the research show that there are four types of Directives which is divided into two sub-classes, Advisives and Mandatives, employed by the characters in the film Captain America, namely Warning of Advisives, Advice of Advisives, Instruction of Mandatives, and Threat of Mandatives. Another finding shows that the reasons why the characters employed certain directive cannot be separated from the context of situations and the theme of the movie itself. Besides, the power relation among the characters also becomes another factor to explain why the characters perform certain directive. The reasons of the directives performed by the characters in this movie are classified into four. First, in Warning of Advisives, the speaker wants to show his/her care about the hearer. Second, in Advice of Avisives speech, the speaker wants to show his/her apprehensive to the hearer. Third, in Instruction of Mandatives, the speaker wants to show his/her authority. Fourth, Threat in Mandatives, the speaker wants to warn the hearer.