
An Analysis Of Translation Techniques Of Physical Terms Into Indonesian In The Science Book ‘Science Activities Heat And Energy Volume 4’

Oleh :
Hermanto - C0306032 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This research focuses on the analysis of physical terms translation in the science book entitled ‘Science Activities Heat and Energy Volume 4’. The purposes of this research are (1) to find out the types of translation techniques applied by the translator in translating the physical terms, (2) to describe how the translation techniques influence the translation quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability. This research applied a descriptive qualitative method. A purposive sampling technique was employed in this research to analyze the data based on the researcher’s criteria. The data are all physical terms found in the science book ‘Science Activities Heat and Energy Volume 4’. The total data of the physical terms found are 151 data. The other data were taken from a close and open-ended questionnaires assessed by three raters. The analysis on the translation techniques shows that there are thirteen types of techniques applied by translator in translating the physical terms in the science book ‘Science Activities Heat and Energy Volume 4’. They are borrowing 48 data (31.79 %), calque 1 datum (0.66 %), calque & borrowing 3 data (1.99 %), modulation 1 datum (0.66 %), description 2 data (1.32 %), established equivalent 59 data (39.07 %), particularization 1 datum (0.66 %), linguistic amplification 1 datum (0.66 %), literal translation 9 data (5.96 %), transposition 3 data (1.99 %), established equivalent & borrowing (pure borrowing) 1 datum (0.66 %), established equivalent & borrowing (naturalized borrowing) 2 data (1.32 %), literal translation & borrowing (naturalized borrowing) 20 data (13.25 %). The analysis on the translation accuracy shows that 131 data (86.75 %) from the total data are accurate, 20 data (13.25 %) are less accurate and no datum is inaccurate. The analysis on the translation acceptability shows that 141 data (93.38 %) are acceptable, 10 data (6.62 %) are less acceptable and no datum is unacceptable. The techniques resulting translation with high level of accuracy are established equivalent & borrowing and the technique resulting translation with low level of accuracy is transposition. The techniques resulting translation with high level acceptability are established equivalent and borrowing, and the technique resulting translation with low level acceptability is literal translation & borrowing (naturalized borrowing).Techniques Translation