The Analysis Of Non-Observance Maxims To Generate Conversational Implicature In The Movie Entitled “The Ides Of March (A Pragmatics Approach)
Oleh :
Dewi Ikke Nuryani - C0309022 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
2013. This research attempts to find out the kinds of non-observance of the maxims
employed by the characters in the movie entitled “The Ides of March”, to find out the reasons
why the characters in the movie entitled “The Ides of March” employ the non-observance of
the maxims.
This research applied qualitative descriptive method with purposive sampling
technique. This research also used the primary and secondary data. The primary data of this
research consist of detail description about the types of non-observance of the maxims taken
from the movie entitled “The ides of March”. Meanwhile, the secondary data consist of the
information about this movie used in this study. The data and source of data of this research
were taken from the political movie entitled “The Ides of March” which was released on
2011 & directed by George Clooney.
The results show that there are four types of non-observance of the maxims
employed by the characters of the movie. They are flouting of the maxims found in 20 data,
violating of the maxims found in 1 datum, opting out of the maxims found in 2 data and
suspending of the maxims found in 2 data. The data is dominated by the employing of the
flouting maxim of manner. It is due to the position of the characters as the politicians who are
demanded to be cooperative with the interview and able to maintain the secret information.
Moreover, there are ten reasons why the characters of the movie employ the non-observance
of the maxims. They are to convince someone, to keep the information secret, to maintain a
good image, to give clearer information, to confirm the statement, to show disagreement, to
make a joke, to maintain ethical code, to respect someone, and to express feeling and
condition. The reason is influenced by the context of situation and context of culture.
Referring to conclusion above, this research is expected to give a contribution for the readers
in studying the non-observance of the maxims in the politics area. It is suggested that other
researchers conduct further research about the non-observance of the maxim in the real world
of politics area.
Keywords: Pragmatics, Non-observance of the maxims, Politics, Implicature