An Analysis Of Request Expressions Employed By The Characters In A Film Entitled 27 Dresses (A Pragmatics Approach)
Oleh :
Aprilia Putri A - C0308080 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This research was conducted to describe the types of request expressions employed by the characters in the film 27 Dressesbased on Trosborg’s theory and the politeness strategy of Brown and Levinson as the choice of the characters to express requests. The research used pragmatics approach with the request expressions as the scope of the analysis. This research was a descriptive qualitative research with purposive sampling technique. The dialogues containing request expressions were taken as the data. There were 16 data representing the criteria. The data were analyzed with Trosborg’s theory of request expressions and Brown and Levinson’s theory of politeness. Austin’s theory of three basic senses of acts and Hymes’ ethnographyare also used in the analysis. The result shows that the total data of the research are 16 data. There are three types of request expressions namely hearer-oriented condition request with 11 data (68,75%), speaker-based condition request with 1 datum (6,25%) and direct request with 4 data (25%). In hearer-oriented condition, the speaker depends much on the hearer because the hearer has a rightto comply the desired action or not. Different from hearer-oriented condition, in speaker-based condition, the speaker’s interest becomes the priority. While in direct request, the speaker may issue an order in uttering the request. Politeness strategies are also applied by the characters of 27 Dresses film to deliver their requests. There are two types of politeness strategies applied by the characters of 27 Dresses film namely positive politeness in 9 data (56,25%) and negative politeness in 7 data (43,75%).The characters deliver their request expressions mix with politeness strategy depend on the context of situation that happens on the conversation.