
Peran Humas Hotel Dana Dalam Pencitraan Kota Solo Sebagai Kota Berbudaya

Oleh :
Ukke Daninta Puteri - D1610076 - Fak. ISIP

The purpose of this Kuliah Kerja Media (KKM) were (1) to gain work experience in the field of Public Relations at Melia Purosani Hotel Jogjakarta. (2) to knowing a function of clipping for Public Relations at Mellia Purosani Hotel Jogjakarta. (3) to complete the tasks and fulfilling the requirements to obtaining degree of Associate Expert (A.Md.) Diploma III FISIP UNS. The result of Kuliah Kerja Media (KKM) at Melia Purosani Hotel Jogjakarta clipping serves as a source of information to determine the activities performed by hotel competitors and to evaluate the performance of Public Relations. Keyword : Function of Clipping