This study is an Action Research which is conducted to improve the teaching learning quality especially in speaking class at the second grade of SMK Mikael Surakarta. In more detail, this study focuses on finding out: 1) factors causing low ability in the speaking skills, 2) the effectiveness of videos in the speaking class in improving the students’ speaking ability, 3) the effectiveness of video in increasing students’ motivation in the speaking class. The method of research is collaborative action research between a vocational school teacher (teacher A) and the researcher. The research is conducted in two cycles from October 31st until November 14th, 2006 at the second grade of SMK Mikael Surakarta at the year 2006/2007. The data of the research are collected by using techniques of qualitative data collection including: interview, observation, documents, and researcher’s diary. Photograph and audio recording are also taken during the implementation of the research to provide more accurate data. The data are analyzed by re-read researcher’s diary, pre-research observation report, and field notes; and select the data which are the answer of the research questions and another finding. In particular, re-read the data is combined with listening to the cassette and reviewing the photographs of the research implementation. The documents are analyzed to provide additional data especially to show accurate result of students’ speaking ability improvement. The result of the study shows in the following findings. First, the factors causing low ability in the speaking class are 1) students get less time to practice their speaking skill, 2) teaching techniques used (song, picture) are less attractive, 3) Students do not have motivation in joining speaking class. Second, students’ speaking appropriacy improves and they are able to apply information routine in terms of giving justification. Third, the video which are commercial breaks and documentary films make the students be curious and stimulated in joining speaking activity. And the last is students’ bad learning attitude do not emerge. The research findings prove that using video in teaching speaking is an effective technique to improve students’ speaking ability and motivation to join speaking activity. Through video, students are encouraged to practice the skill. It attracts students’ attention and they become more enthusiastic in joining the discussion. The students get learning attitude improvement during the research. There are not any students who look out the window, or chat with another student. The principal also allows students to have lesson in language laboratory again since there aren’t any students who do not pay attention to the lesson and break the facilities such as microphone, wire, and head set. Using video in teaching speaking creates the teaching learning process more living than before.