Improving Students’ Reading Ability Using Grammar Translation Method (Classroom Action Research At The Class Xa Students Of Ma Salafiyah Cirebon In The 2011/2012 Academic Year)
Oleh :
Devi Siti Sihatul Afiah - S890209109 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
The objectives of this research are to know whether grammar translation method is able to improve students’ reading ability and to find out the strengths and weaknesses of grammar translation method when it is used to teach reading.
The research method applied in this research is class action research in two cycles in which each cycle starts from planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The materials are Narrative and Recount Texts. The data collected are the qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data are collected from observation, interview, and questionnaire. The quantitative data are collected from the Pre-test in preliminary research, test in Cycle 1 and Post-test in Cycle 2. To analyze qualitative data, the researcher analyzed the improvement of the teaching learning process. The researcher searched and arranged the result of questionnaire, interview, and observation. To analyze the quantitative data, the researcher applied a descriptive statistics.
The result of the preliminary research showed that students’ reading ability was lack, they got score was 45. The students difficult to find out main idea, detail information, vocabulary, reference, and make inference.
The result of this research showed that the students’ reading ability was improved. The improvement was proved by the increase of the students’ mean scores from 50 in the Pre-test to 64.54 in the Post-test of Cycle I and 81.13 in the Post-test of Cycle 2. Besides that, having used the grammar translation method in learning reading, the students were more active, motivated, courageous and creative in the teaching and learning process. Furthermore, there were some strengths and weakness of GTM. The strengths of GTM were students felt challenged to read more difficult text and had high motivation to read more and the some weaknesses of GTM was students felt bored to memorize the vocabularies and irregular verb.
Based on the result above, the researcher could conclude that students had been able to comprehend the text and they were more motivated and more enjoyable in joining the reading class. Finally, the researcher concluded that GTM could be used to improve students reading ability.