The effectiveness of public relations programs of brayat minulya hospital
Oleh :
Suci Astriyani - C9310075 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This final project report is written based on the job training done in Public
Relations and Marketing division of Brayat Minulya Hospital within a month from
February 11th – March 11th 2013. I did some activities such as taking part in
maintaining good relationship with external public and partner companies,
implementing programs of Brayat Minulya Hospital, making recapitulation data of
complaint and advice form from patients and checking brochure, flyer as well as
complaint and advice form.
The objectives of this report are to evaluate the effectiveness of Public
Relations programs and to propose improvement for Public Relations programs of
Brayat Minulya Hospital. The programs are Celebrating World Ill People Day, Fifty-
Thousand Package program, Health Talk Show in Ria FM Radio, Medical Check Up
in Car Free Day, Spiritual Broadcast and Pregnant Mother Gym Package. The
programs done by the hospital are relatively effective but one of the programs still
needs an improvement. Most of them have been running well because they are well
welcomed and can fulfill the needs of public. Besides, the programs done by Brayat
Minulya Hospital can reflect the vision and mission of the hospital. Therefore, the
function of Public Relations as primary liaison between Brayat Minulya Hospital and
its public can be well executed.
I propose improvement for the programs of Brayat Minulya Hospital, they
are: the celebration of World Ill People Day should be held for more than a day, the
duration of health talk show program should be prolonged, the socialization of
programs done by the hospital should be improved especially for Fifty Thousand
Package Program, the kinds of medical check-up in Car Free Day should be made
more varied, the announcer of spiritual broadcast should give ill people prayer for
non-Catholic patients and the pregnant mother gym package should be held more
frequently. I also propose socialization plan for programs done by Brayat Minulya
Hospital. The first one is socialization on website of Brayat Minulya Hospital. The
second one is socialization on Ria FM radio during break time of health talk show.
The last one is making press releases about programs which will be implemented.