The Analysis Of Address Forms Used By The Characters In The Film Entitled Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows (A Pragmatics Approach)
Oleh :
Retno Wulandari - C0309053 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This research uses Pragmatics approach. It is a qualitative descriptive research, which took total sampling technique in collecting data. The data of this research were taken from the dialogues of Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows which contains address forms. Firstly, the data were divided based on Brown and Ford theory about address forms and then analyzed by using SPEAKING formula by Dell Hymes. The results of this research are as follows; first, there are six forms of addressing used by the characters, namely Title (T), Title plus Last Name (T+LN), Title plus Name (T+N), Multiple Name (MN), You plus Multiple Name (You+MN) and First Name (FN). Second, the characters express the addressing using low intonation, normal intonation and high intonation. The characters also employ some non verbal acts, such as happy expression, the speaker doesn’t see at the hearer, the speaker brings the body closer to the hearer, the speaker put the hat down, the speaker stares at the hearer, the speaker bulges at the hearer, the speaker takes the hearer’s cigarette, the speaker puts his hand to the hearer’s shoulder, the speaker cries and the speaker hits the hearer strongly. Third, the reasons of each character employing certain address forms are the speaker feels annoyed, irritated, angry toward the hearer, the speaker feels sad, sorry, confident, happy, disbelief toward the hearer, angry, hate the hearer’s behavior, feels cautious and the speaker is bothered by the hearer.