Teaching english to the 5th grade of sd n jogosuran no. 68 surakarta by using picture, game, and song
Oleh :
Agung Puji Lestari - C9310003 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This final project report was written based on the job training that the writer did on February, 4th 2013 in SD N Jogosuran No. 68 Surakarta. The purpose of this final project is to describe the activities in teaching English for grade five students of SD N Jogosuran No. 68 Surakarta, to describe the supporting media in teaching English, to find out the problem and to give the solution in teaching English activites to the5th grade students of SD N Jogosuran No. 68 Surakarta. The writer did class observation, during the job training. The writer observed the condition of the class, the condition of the students,the way of the English teacher in delivering the material to the students. The activities of teaching and learning English to the 5th grade students of SDN Jogosuran No. 68 Surakarta consist of four steps, they are: Motivating strategy, Presentation, Exercise, and Assesment. There were some problems encountered by the students and the teacher. The problems of the students were difficulty in memorizing some words, difficulty to differentiate some kinds of shapes, and difficulty to read the text correctly. To solve the problems of memorizing words, the writer gave the task to memorize the words. To solve the problems of the difficulty to differentiate some kinds of shape, the writer gave the task to look for the picture related to the shapes. To solve the problems of the difficulty to read the text correctly, the writer gave the opportunity to the students and guided them when they read. The problems of the teacher were having a big class and difficulty to control undisciplined students. To overcome these problems, the writer moved around and wrote the list of bad students on the whiteboard.