The effectiveness of international student service done by
Oleh :
Reiza Fadhila - C9310065 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
The objectives of the research are to describe the activities of the International Student Service of International Office and to measure the effectiveness of the International Student Service in serving the international student. From those objectives, the writer expects that the International Student Service provides many services to international student and have done the service effectively. In this research, the techniques of collecting data were library study, observation, and interview. I used literature study relevant to the problem. The observation was conducted when I was on the field during the job training. The interviews were done to internal and external publics which related to the purpose of the research. After obtaining the data, I also analyzed the data to find out the International Student Service activities and to measure the effectiveness of International Student Service. The result of the research indicates that there are seven services provided by International Student Service, such as: Welcoming and Orientation Service, Immigration and Residence Service, Academic and Counseling Assistant, Housing and Student Life, Health Service, Cultural Event and Outing Class, and Farewell Party. International Student Service has good quality service. Thus, most of international students feel satisfied with the International Student Service. Therefore, it can be concluded that ISS has done the service effectively