An analysis of the translation of verbal – ing phrases in ernest hemingway’s short story ‘the snows of kilimanjaro’ by ursula gyani in her book ‘salju kilimanjaro’ and the implication to english language teaching
Oleh :
Umi Wijayanti - - Fak. KIP
The aims of this research are to identify the types of translation, the translation variations in terms of the Parts of Speech, the translation variation in terms of the Rank Shift of the verbal-ing phrases and the implication to the English Language Teaching in Ernest Hemingway’s short story ‘The Snows of Kilimanjaro’ and its Indonesian translation ‘Salju Kilimanjaro’ by Ursula Gyani. The writer uses a descriptive qualitative research method. The data are chosen by applying the purposive sampling technique, meaning that the data are selected based on some criteria. There are 92 data in the form of verbal-ing phrases that were employed in the short story.
From the result of the analysis, there are three kinds of translation: literal translation which is mostly used to translate the verbal-ing phrases appears in 75 data or 81.52% of all the data. Free translation covers 13 data or 14.13% of all the data. Word-for-word translation covers 4 data or 4.35%of all the data.
The second finding is the translation variation of verbal-ing phrases. There are eleven variations of the translation of verbal-ing phrases, they are: Translation of Present Participle Phrases with the change of the Parts of Speech from an adjective into a verbs covers 28 data or 30.43%. Translation of Present Participle Phrases with the change of the Parts of Speech from an adjective into a noun covers 2 data or 2.17%. Translation of Present Participle Phrases with the change of Parts of Speech from an adjective into a verb and change of the Rank Shift from a phrase into a word covers 3 data or 3.26%. Translation of Present Participle Phrases with the change of Rank Shift from a phrase into a word covers 1 datum or 1.09%. Translation of Present Participle Phrases without any changes both in terms of the Parts of Speech and Rank Shift covers 21 data or 22.83%. Translation of Gerund Phrases with the change of the Parts of Speech from a noun into a verb covers 14 data or 15.22%. Translation of Gerund Phrases with the change of the Parts of Speech from a noun into an adverb and the change of the Rank Shift from a phrase into a clause covers one datum or 1.09%. Translation of Gerund Phrases with the change of the Rank Shift from a phrase into a word covers three data or 3.26%. Translation of Gerund Phrases without any changes both the Parts of Speech and the Rank Shift covers 10 data or 10.87%.
The results of the study show that there are many changes in the translation of a text. The researcher finds that Gerund phrases which has the function as a noun is not always translated into a noun, but it can change into a verb or an adverb. The Gerund Phrase is not always translated in the form of a phrase but it can changes into a sentence, a clause and even a word depending on the context. This phenomenon also occurs in the translation of Present Participle Phrases. The result of the study are hoped to be used by the teachers in teaching English so that it can enrich the student’s knowledge about translation changes of the Verbal-ing Phrases in terms of the Parts of Speech and the Rank Shift