Kritik sosial dalam foto jurnalistik (Studi Semiotika tentang Pesan-pesan Kritik Sosial dalam Foto Jurnalistik Kompas di Rubrik Foto Pekan Ini dengan judul Rindu Jembatan menuju Sekolah dan Jejak Terakhir di Ujung Karang)
Oleh :
Akbar Rhaditstya Putra - D1210004 - Fak. ISIP
Indonesia consist of various ethnic groups, traditions, and culture raises of
issues that aren’t simple. Moreover the state of Indonesia which consist of various
islands that stretches from Sabang to the Merauke. Of course not easy to monitor
the situation and developments in the deepest ends of islands in Indonesia. A wide
range of common problems such as inadequate infrastructure, educational
infrastructur that doesnt qualify, the destruction of nature, as well as variety of
other problems that may be more complex.
What’s more pictures in the newspapers in presenting events into a visual
form photo will certainly be more attractive to readers. As in this study using two
essay titles photo is Rindu Jembatan menuju Sekolah dan Jejak Terakhir di Ujung
Karang. Both of them shown the problems that are still relevant to the lives of the
people of Indonesia. That problem is about infrastructure in the village such as no
bridge and classroom were damaged. Another title shown about damaged the
ocean environment is the number of dead corals. Two titles photo essay are
important to study because the two issues are related to the performance of the
government and the lack of environmental awareness. If untreated, it can make
people lose and life difficulties
The newspaper that can critized government policies and show problems
in various areas in Indonesia can then make a self reflection for policy makers, the
central and local goverments. It can be a control function for the community to
participate and also overseas several government policies that have been
implemented. On the other hand the photographs with theme of social critism is
able to arouse public awareness to take action and make a difference.
Drs. Mursito BM, S.U
Diah Kusumawati, S. Sos, M. Si