
Ticketing and tour package In Rosalia Indah tour and travel

Oleh :
Mekie Muktafi - C9310049 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This final project is written based on the job training in Rosalia Indah Tour and Travel. The aim of this final project is to describe and explain ticketing and tour package in Rosalia Indah Tour and Travel. Ticketing is a tourism industry in Rosalia Indah Tour and Travel, selling tickets to the customers. Tour package is also a tourism industry in Rosalia Indah Tour and Travel, selling tour packages to the customers. Many problems are found during the job training such as making a ticket reservation, issuing the ticket and making a tour package. To overcome those problems, I give several solutions and suggestion, such as making reservation and some informations of tour package in Rosalia Indah Tour and Travel.