Mekanisme kerja production assistant dan reporter program acara wollipop.com Trans 7
Oleh :
Murniati - D1410042 - Fak. ISIP
Tujuan dari KKM ini adalah mengetahui bagaimana peranan production assistant
dan reporter dalam produksi program WOLLIPOP.COM di stasiun penyiaran
TRANS 7.Tahapan produksi program WOLLIPOP.COM meliputi pra-produksi,
produksi dan pasca-produksi.Dalam proses produksi program, production
assistant dan reporter memiliki tanggung jawab masing-masing dalam setiap tahap
dari awal hingga akhir.
Proses produksi program WOLLIPOP.COM meliputi pra-produksi hingga pascaproduksi yang dikerjakan sebaik-baiknya. Production assistant berperan penting
dalam mempersiapkan segala kebutuhan produksi program. Reporter bertanggung
jawab pada baik buruknya hasil tayangan, yang dikerjakan dengan kreatifitas ideide baru yang segar dan menarik.
Jadi peranan production assistant dan reporter sangat diperlukan dalam proses
produksi program, agar dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Program WOLLIPOP.COM
adalah tayangan magazine news yang mengangkat informasi menganai lifestyle
kelas atas dari selebriti Hollywood dan Indonesia, serta menyajikan tips yang
berguna bagi khalayak.
Purpose this KKM is to know about how did the role of assistant production and
reporter in production of programme WOLLIPOP.COM in station broadcasting is
to konow how did the role of production assistant and reporter in production
programme WOLLIPOP.COM in station broadcasting TRANS 7. Stage of
production of programme in WOLLIPOP.COM such as pra production,
production, and pasca production. Stage of production programme, assistant
production and reporter have a hard job in every process first to the last.
Process production programme WOLLIPOP.COM such as pra production to the
pasca production which it’s job will to do the best. Assistant production have
some important job to prepare every needly and prepare all about production
programme needly. Reporter have a job to handle all of job which it’s good or bad
result, and it’s do to hard work with some creativity, many ideas which it’s good
and interest.
So, role of assistant producer and reporter will needly some process of production
programme, to get a good. Programme of WOLLIPOP.COM is a magazine news
programme which it’s take some information lifestyle high class from selebrity
Hollywood and Indonesia, and give some tips to the universal.