
Uji histokimia lignin dan analisis RAPD (random amplified polimorphic DNA) eucalyptus pellita F. Muell hasil iradiasi sinar gamma

Oleh :
Ari Rusmiyati - - Fak. MIPA

Eucalyptus pellita is one of the forestry species which has higher economic value in term of pulp and paper industry. The high cellulose and low lignin wood could support efficient process of pulp and paper industry. Gamma ray irradiation technique has been applied to E. pellita 06A and 006 variety in order to obtain better wood quality of E. pellita. The aims of this reseach are study the lignin content qualitatively by lignin histochemical test and to analyze genetic alternation by using RAPD technique (Random Amplified Polimorphic DNA). The lignin histochemical was carried out by preparing hand cut transverse section of E. pellita young stems fixed in (30-70%) alcohol stage and then stained with 1% phloroglucinol-HCl solution. Qualitative lignin content was determined by scoring the colour intensity of the section 1,2 and 3 for dark red, red and reddish brown respectively. The RAPD banding patterns were generated by using OPB-7 and OPB-10 random primers. The result of lignin histochemical test of E. pellita 06A and 006 stems showed that EP 06A has lower sample percentage of scor 3 of lignin colour intensity (5,56%) the EP 006 (11,11%). Based on he result of RAPD analysis using OPB-7 and OPB-10 random primers it seemed that gamma irradiation caused the alternation of DNA banding pettern. Two random primers resulted 1-8 fragmens ranging from 300 to 5000 bp. The 850 bp DNA banding pattern appear in all E. pellita samples variety. EP 06A showed greater growth rate in term of plant height, while its had smaller stem.