Optimizing students’ journal to enhance students’ motivation in learning english (a classroom action research at the eighth grade of smpn 14 surakarta in the academic year 2013 / 2014)
Oleh :
Andita Destiana Winahyu - K2209006 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
Andita Destiana Winahyu. K2209006. OPTIMIZING STUDENTS‟ JOURNAL
Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade of SMPN 14 Surakarta in the
Academic Year 2013/2014). A Thesis. Surakarta. Teacher Training and Education
Faculty. Sebelas Maret University. 2013.
This thesis is written to investigate: to what extent students‟ journal
becomes an appropriate way to enhance the students‟ motivation in learning
English and the situation on the implementation of students‟ journal in the
In this research, the writer conducted action research which requires four
steps, namely: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The research
was conducted in two cycles from July 19th until September 5th, 2013 at the eighth
grade students of SMP Negeri 14 Surakarta. There are two kinds of data collected
in this research: qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data were
collected using observation, questionnaire and interview, while the quantitative
data were collected using tests (pre-test and post-test). Then the qualitative data
were analyzed by assembling, coding, comparing the data, building interpretation,
and reporting the outcomes. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive
The research findings show three important points. First, based on the
indicators of motivation, it can be shown that the number of students categorized
to positive task orientation and ego involvement improve up to 97.36%, need for
achievement improves up to 92.10%, high aspiration improves up to 94.73%, and
perseverance and tolerance of ambiguity improve up to 84.21%. Second, the result
of the students‟ achievement shows that the mean score of individual test in pre
test is 65.13, which improves to 72.81, which again increases to 78.38. It indicates
that students‟ achievement in English lesson is successful because they have
positive self image to promote their work cooperatively in order to improve their
score in English and be the best in the class. Third, the implementation of
students‟ journal in the classroom shows the progress of class situation. The
students become more active and enthusiastic during the lesson: (1) most students
pay attention to the teacher‟s explanation and they do not do other activities. The
class situation is conducive because they are rare to make noise during learning
process; (2) group discussion is a means to create good interaction among students
and they can share their idea dealing with the task. So, they get involved in
English lesson actively; (3) by giving stars as the reward to students who active in
answering questions, and they do not feel ashamed again.
Therefore, it is also recommended to use students‟ journal in English
class. Since it improves students‟ motivation in learning English and makes
teaching learning process enjoyable.
Key words: students‟ motivation, students‟ journal, classroom action research.