

Designing Task-Based Module For Teaching Speaking

Oleh :
Puryanti - S8910808 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

There was no specific learning module for teaching and learning speaking in a High School of Cilacap, Central Java. The two course references, Look Ahead and Students’ Digest Book, were not specifically built for speaking class. Since both were not ideal modules they could be as self-instructional guidance for students’ learning. This research is aimed at designing a new speaking module for teaching learning speaking in a High School of Cilacap, Central Java under a procedure of Research and Development study. The researcher started doing the documentary study to see the real model of the existing learning sources and to reveal whether there were still weaknesses as speaking guidance books. After a need analysis of which subjects were 34 students of X8 and 3 English teachers, the finding showed that there was a need of a new speaking module in a High School of Cilacap, Central Java. All teachers and students 100% approved this. The researcher designed a prototype of a new speaking module referring to task-based method. This was under a consideration that scaffolding is significant to motivate students’ participation and engage their learning in the classroom. Moreover, the availability of a certain task will motivate the students to be active participants in the class interaction. The designing and development of the module were validated by two experts who categorized it very good for being used as guiding module for teaching learning speaking. The final try out, class observation, and interviews approved the module’s feasibility and appropriateness for teaching learning speaking.