Teaching And Learning Activities At 3rd Grade Class A Of Elementary In SDN Manahan Surakarta
Oleh :
Rizqisetya Budi Utama - C9309067 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This final project is written based on job training that had been done by the writer on SDN Manahan Surakarta. The purposes of this final project report are to describe English learning and teaching activities, the problems faced in practicing teaching English and find out the solutions for the problems in teaching and learning to 3rd grade class A of SDN Manahan Surakarta. The writer conducted the class observation, made lesson plan, and also conducted teaching and learning activities in his job training. In class observation, the writer observed the classroom condition and facilities, the condition and characteristic of the students and the English teaching and learning process done by the English teacher’s of 3rd grade class A of SDN Manahan Surakarta. Before starting teaching and learning activities in the classroom, the writer made lesson plan. The lesson plan consisted of warming up activities, presentation, and practices-assessments. During the teaching and learning activities done by the writer, he got some problems coming from the students and the writer as an English teacher. The first problems were the students making noise during teaching and learning process, chatting in the classroom, getting difficulties in pronouncing words correctly. The second problems were difficulties in controlling the class, big class (too many students in the classroom), and lack of time to teach. The solutions to overcome the problems are providing class agreement, asking to the students to keep silent during teaching and learning process, giving correct ways to pronounce words, practicing how to be more assertive to the students, changing the conventional seats into square or circle seats arrangement, and getting extra time for English lesson. The writer also tried to give suggestions for SDN Manahan Surakarta, the English teacher’s of SDN Manahan Surakarta, English Diploma Program and Student’s of English Diploma Program.