Improving Listening Skill Using Information Gap Activities (An Action Research Conducted At First Grade Of Smk N 1 Banyudono In The Academic Year 2012/2013)
Oleh :
Yohana Irma Yanti - X2211047 - Fak. KIP
This research is a classroom action research. The objectives of this research
are to observe whether the use of Information Gap Activities can improve students’
listening skill and to describe the classroom situation when Information Gap
Activities is applied to teach listening in the English class.
This research was conducted in X Office Administration 1 class of SMK N 1
Banyudono. The procedures of the research consist of planning, action, observation
and reflection. In this research, the writer is the practitioner who implemented
Information Gap Activities in teaching learning process. The data are in form of
qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data was obtained by giving
questionnaires, interviews, observations and photographs taken during the learning
process, while the quantitative data was obtained by conducting a pre- test and posttest.
Before the writer conducted the research, the students had difficulties in
understanding short conversation and short talk monolog, providing suitable
questions and giving responses to certain statements, providing suitable responses
about location based on the map. From the problems above the writer is interested in
using Information Gap Activities to solve the student’s listening problems. After the
research is conducted, the students have shown some improvements. The result
showed that: (1) the students can determine appropriate statement about location
based on the image; (2) the students can determine proper questions and responses
after hearing a question about a location; (3) the students can find general or specific
information from the spoken text; (4) the students can understand the important
words from the spoken text. The result of this research also showed that by
implementing Information Gap Activities had improved the students’ mean score
from pre- test, post- test I and post- test II. The mean score in pre- test was 56 and
post- test I was 81.87 and in post- test II the score increased to 85.57. Thus, the result
of the research showed that the implementation of Information Gap Activities could
improve students’ listening skill.
The classroom situation has also shown some improvements: 1) the
classroom situation was more conducive; 2) the students’ participated actively in the
activities during the lesson; 3) the communication between the students to students
and the students to the teacher were increasing; 4) the students were more confidents
to express their idea during the lesson.