Madonna As An American Cultural Icon: A Study Of Madonna’s Fans’ Comments On Her Official Blog
Oleh :
Gunung Dewantara - C1306006 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
The objective of this study is to explain how Madonna becomes an
American cultural icon based on her fans’ comments on her official weblog. It
focuses on Madonna as an American cultural icon for her influence in American
music industry and on American people.
This study is a descriptive qualitative research that takes Madonna’s official
weblog http://madonnablog.wordpress.com/as the source of data. The primary
data are Maodnna’s fans’ comments on the blog. There are twenty three data used
in this research. The secondary data are taken from several websites that are
related to any news and information about Madonna. The theories that are applied
to analyze the data are theory of popular culture, theory of cultural icon and
theory of Semiotics.
It concludes that Madonna is an American cultural icon who influences
American music industry, as a part of cultural aspect in the America, for decades
with many works she produced. She influences American people by shaping
ideology and habits as well as construing paradigm through her music. In fact, she
involves some other aspects other than music in spreading her influence.
First, Madonna influences people in America by using her pop music alone.
Second, Madonna influences American people by using the combination of pop
music and her personality and appearance. Third, Madonna influences American
people by using the combination of her pop music and controversial issues she
Those together helped Madonna spread her influence through out the nation
and even the world. The result clearly portrays how influential Madonna is in the
music as a product of popular culture and therefore she is a cultural icon.