The strategy of public relation in creating good image of BRI Syariah Solo
Oleh :
Azizti Eka Santi - - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This study deals with communication management aspect related to the application of public relation strategy in BRI Syariah. The main goal of public relation strategy is creating good image of BRI Syariah Solo. Producing good image is similar with having good response from the public related to the costumer service and costumers loyalty moreover produce profit to the company. Bank is the place where service is being the key for its existence, so that the bank needs a strategy creating good image runs by communication management aspect. The relationship between communication aspect and service in BRI Syariah Solo has been shown the importance of strategy.
The discussion would reveal the strategy of public relation in creating good image of BRI Syariah through the implementation of communication management aspect. The objectives of the final project are to describe and to identify the strategy of public relation that apply in BRI Syariah in order to create a good image to the public.
The result of this report shows that BRI Syariah provided many banking product to fulfill the need of the costumers and applied the communication management aspect in order to create a good image to the public. The implementation of communication management aspect in BRI Syariah divided into three aspects there are, vertical communication, horizontal communication and external communication. Vertical communication used to transfer the instruction to the others employee through its activities, such as meeting and daily conversation. Horizontal communication functioned to motivate the labor spirit in doing their job through activities like, praying, discussion, birthday/ families/ ritual of the employee gathering and learning about religion or pengajian. BRI Syariah Solo applied an external communication through making brochure and leaflet, using the broadcast media and joining some exhibition.
All of the activities describe above are using in BRI Syariah Solo as a strategy in creating good image to the public. Based on the objectives, the writer recommends a short suggestion for the management of BRI Syariah Solo. By these recommendations the writer hopes that BRI Syariah Solo can enhance the good image in order to attract the costumers.