

The Effectiveness Of Cubing Technique To Teach Writing Skill Viewed From Students’ Creativity (An Experimental Research For The Second Semester Of English Department Of Stkip Pgri Pacitan In The Academic Year Of 2013/2014)

Oleh :
Hasan Khalawi - S891202020 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

This research aims at investigating whether: (1) Cubing Technique is more effective than Mind Mapping Technique; (2) The students having high creativity have better ability in writing compared to those having low creativity; (3) there is an interaction between teaching techniques and creativity in teaching writing. This experimental research was conducted at STKIP PGRI Pacitan in the academic year of 2013/2014. The population of this research was the second semester students of English Education Department in the academic year of 2013/2014, and the number of population was 126 students consisting of three classes. The samples were selected randomly using lottery. Then based on the randomization, class A was to be the experimental class, and class B was to be the control class. The experimental class was treated using Cubing Technique, while the control class was treated using Mind Mapping Technique. The researcher conducted creativity test to the both classes to know the level of the creativity before collection of the data. But, before the creativity test was tested to both control as well as experimental classes, the researcher tried it out to non-sample class to know the readability of the creativity test instructions. Finally, the researcher conducted a post-test to the two classes in a form of writing test that had been tried out to non sample class to know the readability of the writing test instruction. After that, the data was presented in descriptive statistic. In the next step the data have to fulfill the prerequisite test of normality as well as homogeneity before being computed to test the parametric hypothesis tester. It was found that the data were normal and homogeneous and the data were analyzed using ANOVA test. Based on the computation the findings are concluded: (1) Cubing Technique is more effective than Mind Mapping Technique in teaching writing; (2) There is no significant difference between students having high or low creativity in the students’ writing ability; and (3) there is no interaction between teaching techniques and creativity in teaching writing. It means that Cubing Technique is suitable to be applied in discussing the content of the text in depth view like report. It is suggested for the teacher to apply the technique in more effective condition. For other researchers, Cubing Technique is compatible and opens the space of creative applicator, it means they can expand and conduct a better research for it.