The Use Of Ups-And-Down Games To Improve Students’ Speaking Skill (An Action Research At The Seventh Grade Of Smp Pangudi Luhur Bintang Laut In The Academic Year Of 2012/2013)
Oleh :
Nathalia Susan Novia - X2211032 - Fak. KIP
This thesis discusses: (1) the class situation when the ups-and-down game
is implemented in teaching speaking (2) The improvement of students’ speaking
skill by using Ups and Down games. The Classroom Action Research was carried
out in April 2013. The subject was the students of class VII H of SMP Bintang
Laut Surakarta in the academic year of 2012/2013. The qualitative data were
obtained by questionnaire, observation and photographs of all activities in the
teaching and learning process, whereas the quantitative data were obtained by
conducting a pre-test and post-test.
This research finds that UGD improves the students’ speaking.
Improvements of Students’ Speaking Skill includes: 1) The students’ speaking
difficulty in using grammar decreases. 2) The students’ speaking difficulty in
pronouncing words decreases. 3) The students’ vocabulary mastery increases. 4)
The students’ fluency improves. 5) The students’ speaking scores improves.
Beside the improvements of students’ speaking skill can be seen in the difference
of mean score of speaking test before and after action research. Before the action
research, students’ speaking skill was low. The students’ mean score in pre-test
was 2.5 out of maximum score of 4. Moreover, most of the students could not use
the grammar, pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, and idea organization correctly
while speaking in front of the class. After the action research, the achievement of
speaking increased. The students’ mean scores were 2.71 in post-test 1 and 3.39 in
post-test 2 out of maximum scores 4. Those imply that the use of games in
teaching speaking is an effective technique to improve the students’ speaking skill
and classroom situation during teaching learning process. Even, games are
effective to improve the students’ interest and motivation, the students’ learning
activities during teaching learning process, and teachers’ technique in teaching