Pembuatan Media Pengajaran Membaca Huruf Hijaiyah Metode Al Bayan
Oleh :
Galuh Candra Kirana - M3209032 - Fak. MIPA
The rapid development of technology, especially computer technology has positive impact in education. Computer can be used as a medium of learning process. To facilitate the delivery of content to student, material is packaged in the form of multimedia that is both educational and entertaining. The purpose of this research is to create media that are easily understood by students.
Development method for learning media used was waterfall method. This method used some gradual process starting from analysis, design, manufacture, and testing. It was created based on learning guidance of Al Qur’an with Al Bayan method created by tahfidz Al Qur’an institutions of Adz Dzikro Ungaran and the multimedia was developed by using Adobe Flash CS5 software.
In this research produced learning media such as game and evaluation to read hijaiyah.
Keywords: Multimedia, Learning, Adobe Flash