
The Problems and The Solutions to The Problems Related to The Teacher’s Factors and The Student’s Factors in Teaching and Learning English to The 8th Grade Students of SMP Walisongo Karangmalang-Sragen

Oleh :
Pandu Aryantoro - C9309054 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

The final report project is written based on the job training activity in SMP Walisongo Karangmalang, Sragen. The objectives of this final project are to identify the problems related to the teacher’s factors and the student’s factors in teaching and learning English to the 8th grade students and to explain the solutions to the problems related to the teacher’s factors and the student’s factors in teaching and learning English to the 8th grade students of SMP Walisongo. I tried to find the problems that came from the teacher and the students. The teacher problems were the problem of cognitive competences of a teacher and the problem of affective competences of a teacher. The student’ problems were related to physiology, intelligence, talent, interest and motivation. The problems coming from the teacher’s factors and the student’s factors were overcome as follows: to solve the problem of cognitive competences of a teacher to students, I used demonstration and lecture methods by playing some English videos and practicing some English conversations in front of the class. As a result, I could make them understand the materials. To solve the problem of affective competences of a teacher, dealing with self-efficacy and contextual efficacy, I utilized a table as the bracket projector and a white board as the projector screen. As a result, the teaching and learning activities run well. Dealing with self-acceptability attitudes and acceptability to others attitudes, I tried to explain my strengths and weaknesses to the students. As a result, the students and I could accept our strenghts and weaknesses. To solve the problem of physiology, I advised them to have some bread for breakfast. As a result, some of the students had bread for breakfast while the others still postponed having breakfast untill break. To solve the problem of intelligence, I gave them chance of discussing other sub-materials and gave remedial teaching. As a result, all of them were able to comprehend the material. Besides, I reviewed and explained the material. As a result, they became capable of the material. To solve the problem of talent, I asked them to pay attention to me and learn English more diligently, and I made them realize their full potential and asked them to learn English again and again. As a result, they got high scores. To solve the problem of interest, I mentioned the benefits of learning English seen from aspects such as education, tourism and communication. As a result, they were interested in learning English, for they wanted to study and travel abroad. To solve the problem of motivation, I appreciated and gave them additional scores if they could answer my questions. As a result, many of the students were motivated to get high scores and learnt about English and American culture.