The Customer Satisfaction Of Uns International Students Service
Oleh :
Monica Putri Pertiwi - C9310051 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This final project is written based on the job training done in International Office of Sebelas Maret University (UNS) during three months. The data of this report were obtained by doing interview and observation. The interview was done to the internal and external public in relation to the research. The observation was conducted during the job training and on the field.
The objectives of this report are to identify about the service provided by International Office UNS in serving the overseas students and to measure the customer satisfaction of overseas students after the service. From those objectives, the writer expects that International Office can improve the service for overseas students and run the role as international public relations for Sebelas Maret University.
The writer found the activity of International Office as Public Relations Officer to handle the international affairs of UNS. Started from handling International Cooperation, introducing UNS in international word to providing service for overseas students, etc. There are several kinds of services provided for overseas students, i.e. Welcoming and Orientation, Immigration, Academic and Counseling, Health, Advocating, Cultural Event and Outing Class, and Farewell Party.
International Office has done the job as the Public Relations Officer for UNS well especially in providing service for overseas students. It is proven by the good impression of overseas students trough measure the customer satisfactions after the service.
Hopefully this final project can be beneficial for the readers, especially those who are interested in Public Relations.