Enhancing Students’ Participation In Speaking Using Teams-Games Tournament (Tgt) (A Classroom Action Research At The Tenth Grade Of Smk N 3 Surakarta In The Academic Year 2012/2013)
Oleh :
Tri Ambarwati - K2209088 - Fak. KIP
The research aims to find out (1) the improvements of students’ participation when Teams-
Games Tournaments is implemented; (2) the classroom situation when Teams-Games Tournaments
is applied; (3) how the speaking skills improve; and (4) the advantages and drawbacks of
implementing Teams-Games Tournaments in the classroom practice.
The study applied action research method to enhance students’ participation in speaking
using Teams-Games Tournaments (TGT). The research was conducted at SMK N 3 Surakarta and the
subjects of the research were the tenth grade of Garment students in the academic year
2012/2013. The research consists of two cycles, three meetings in cycle 1 and two meetings
in cycle 2. Each cycle consists of planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. In
collecting the data, the researcher used observation notes, field notes, diaries, video
recording, photograph, interview, questionnaire and test. To analyze qualitative data, the
researcher applied constant comparative method, and to analyze quantitative data, she
applied descriptive statistics by compare the mean score of the pre-test and post-test.
The research findings show as follows: (1) Teams-Games Tournaments method can enhance
students’ participation in speaking, especially in asking and answering question; (2) Teams
-Games Tournaments method can improve classroom situation; (3) The improvement of students’
speaking skill is reflected by the mean scores, 59.7 in the pre-research to 63.5 after cycle
1 and 64.6 in cycle 2; (4) the advantages of implementing Teams-Games Tournaments are as
follows: (a) It was beneficial to improve students’ participation in speaking, (b) Teams-
Games Tournaments increased the students’ confidence and self-esteem, (c) It can make
students cooperate with each other especially in their team. And the drawbacks of
implementing Teams-Games Tournaments are as follows: (a) the researcher found it difficult
to divide class into group based on the students’ intelligence level, (b) the students who
understand material better dominated the participation, (c) Teams-Games Tournaments spent a
lot of lesson time.
There are some recommendations made based on the research findings: (1) English teacher
should implement Teams-Games Tournaments to enhance students’ participation especially in
speaking; (2) Students should participate actively and are creative in the learning process;
(3) It is recommended for other researchers to implement Teams-Games Tournaments in their
research to improve the other English skills or area.