
Evaluasi Sistem Penggajian Yayasan Lembaga Pengembangan Teknologi Pedesaan

Oleh :
Garba Nuriya Qisthy Fathra - F3309051 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

The author conducted research at the Foundation for Rural Technology Development Institute located at Jl. Raya Palur Km 5, Tegal Asri RT 04/VI Ngringo, Jaten, Karanganyar, 57772 Central Java, to meet the requirements of the final project entitled "Evaluation of the Foundation LPTP Payroll System". To obtain research data the authors conducted research methods to make observations, interviews, and document research. The purpose of the authors of the study Payroll System Foundation LPTP is to be able to know the payroll system by tracing the Foundation LPTP salary components, documents used, the accounting records are used, related functions, and procedures in LPTP Foundation. In addition, the authors compared the existing payroll system theory with existing payroll system in LPTP Foundation. . The conclusion of this research is the foundation LPTP already have a pretty good payroll system. Foundation LPTP payroll system in quite the same with the existing payroll system theory. The author suggested that the Foundation LPTP maintain the payroll system and improve the performance of staff or employees be better for his own advancement LPTP Foundation.