

An Evaluation Of Bilingual Learning Program Through Context Input Process Product (Cipp) Evaluation Model In Smpn 1 Geger Madiun

Oleh :
Dian Nashrul Munif - S891108032 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

The ability of English as foreign language nowadays is a necessity for all students. English is taught from primary to university level. It is expected that teaching English can bring good English proficiency on the students. This encourages the government to issue bilingual learning program to accelerate the quality of English proficiency of Indonesian students. This study aims at: (1) describing the implementation of bilingual learning program in junior school and (2) evaluating the implementation of bilingual learning program through CIPP model. This evaluation research is carried out at SMPN 1 Geger Madiun in the academic year 2012/ 2013. The subject of this study is the students of grade two. The data were collected through observation, interview and questionnaire. The data were analyzed through descriptive analysis. The research findings show the implementation of bilingual learning is able to assist the students in learning foreign language. Through this program, students are taught in English instruction gradually based on their level. In the first grade, English is given 20 till 30%, and then along with level improvement, English is increased gradually in learning process. Bilingual learning makes the students learn and practice English from natural context, so that they can apply language in real practice better than learning language knowledge only. This program has positive effects to the students. The effect of this program can be seen from the average score of national exam and English language test of the students. In the process of the implementation, nevertheless, there are many aspects considered as negative points such as the lack of teacher’s proficiency, supporting facilities, developmental English training programs and etc. Therefore, it needs an comprehensive evaluation to improve the implementation of bilingual learning SMPN 1 Geger Madiun.