
Comparative Analysis Of The Translation Of Sexual Terms In The Movie “American Pie 3 (The Wedding) “Dvd And Vcd Version

Oleh :
Gadis Nur Hidayana - C0307027 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This research is conducted by analyzing the sexual terms translation in the American Pie 3 The Wedding (AP3TW) movie and its two subtitle versions (DVD and VCD Version). This study aims to find out the types of sexual terms, the techniques applied by the translator, and the quality of the translation in terms of accuracy and acceptability. This is a descriptive-qualitative research. The sources of data are AP3TW movie in DVD and VCD version, subtitle of the movie’s dialogue and three raters who assessed the quality of the translation. There are 133 data obtained from data sources. The research findings show that there are seven types of sexual terms in the movie AP3TW, they are: sexual organs, sexual activities, sexual characters, sexual orientation, sexual equipment, sexual physiological processes, and sexual genital secretion. In DVD version, eleven techniques used in AP3TW are literal, established equivalent, omission or deletion, generalization, discursive creation, borrowing, synonym, modulation, reduction, transposition and description. For the accuracy, there are 84 accurate data, 38 less accurate data and 11 inaccurate data of overall data. The average scale of DVD accuracy is 2.6 meaning that the translation is accurate. For acceptability, there are 103 acceptable data, 30 less acceptable data and there is no sexual term translation that is unacceptable of overall data. The average scale of DVD acceptability is 2.7 meaning that the translation is acceptable. In VCD version, ten translation techniques used in AP3TW are literal, omission or deletion, generalization, established equivalent, discursive creation, borrowing, reduction, modulation, amplification and transposition. For the accuracy, there are 76 accurate data, 41 less accurate data and 16 inaccurate data. The average scale of VCD accuracy is 2.5 meaning that the translation is accurate. For acceptability, there are 101 acceptable data, 32 less acceptable data and there is no sexual term translation that is unacceptable in overall data. The average scale of VCD acceptability is 2.6 meaning that the translation is acceptable. The research findings depict that most of the techniques that are used by the translator to translate sexual terms in both DVD and VCD version gave a good effect in terms of accuracy and acceptability. The researcher recommended that the translator should learn about sexual terms because translation techniques applied in those sexual terms will sometimes result in wrong contextual and expressive meanings. This research is expected to be able to be used as a reference for the students, lectures, subtitlers and other researcher, especially for those who are interested in translation study.