The effectiveness of project based learning method in teaching reading for academic purposes viewed from students reading interest (an experimental study)
Oleh :
Zainal Arifin - S890907036 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
ZAINAL ‘ARIFIN. S890907036. The Effectiveness of Project Based Learning
Method in Teaching Reading for Academic Purposes Viewed from Students’
Reading Interest (An Experimental Study). Thesis. Surakarta. English Education
Department, Graduate School of TT&EF, Sebelas Maret University, 2013. First
consultant: (I) Prof. Dr Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd. Second Consultant: (II) Drs.
Gunaso Susilohadi, M.Ed. Tesol.
The objectives of the study are 1) to find out whether there is a different
academic reading ability between students taught by project based learning and
those taught by direct instruction method, 2) to find out whether there is a
different academic reading ability between students with high reading interest and
those with low reading interest, and 3) to find out whether there is an interaction
between project based learning method, direct instruction method and students’
reading interest. The academic reading is that of English.
The research was conducted at the English Education Study Program of
Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Surakarta in 2012/2013 Academic Year from
May to August 2013. The method used is quasi experimental. The samples
including 30 students of experimental class taught academic reading by project
based learning and 30 students of control class by direct instruction are from the
sixth semester students taken by means of cluster random sampling from 6 classes
of accessible population in the study program. The dependent variable is academic
reading ability. The independent variables include Project-based Learning (the
experiment variable), Direct Instruction method (the control variable), and
students’ reading interest (the high and low levels of moderate variable). The
instruments comprise of academic reading test and questonaire of reading interest
which were previously tried out to obtain the validity and the reliability. The data
were analyzed descriptively and inferentially by multifactor analysis of variance
(ANOVA) which were preceded by pre-requisite test: normality and homogeneity.
The results show that there is a significant difference of academic reading
ability between students taught by Project-based Learning method and those
taught by Direct Instruction method; there is a significant different academic
reading ability between students with high interest and those with low interest ;
and there is an interaction between Project-based Learning method, Direct
Instruction method and students’ interest. The group with high interest taught by
Project-based learning has better performance in academic reading than those
taught by Direct Instruction method ;and the group with low interest taught by
Project-based Learning method also has better performance in academic reading
ability than those taught by direct instruction method. Obviously, Project-based
Learning method is effective for teaching academic reading not only for students
with high interest but also for those with low interest.
Keywords: effectiveness, academic reading, Project-based Learning
Method, reading interest, experimental study