Kajian Stilistika Antologi Geguritan Puser Bumi Karya Gampang Prawoto
Oleh :
Dewi Untari - C0110014 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
The problems analyzed in this research are: (1) how tonal aspects are used in
the AGPB by GP? (2) How the peculiarities of diction/word choice and
morphological markers aspects in AGPB by GP? (3) How the use of language
style in AGPB by GP? (4) How the aspects of imaging in AGPB by GP?
The purposes of the research: (1) to describe tonal aspects are used in the
AGPB by GP, (2) to describe the peculiarities of diction/word choice and
morphological markers aspects in AGPB by GP, (3) to describe the use of
language style in AGPB by GP, (4) to describe the aspects of imaging in AGPB
by GP.
This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Primary data is written data
that includes the Javanese language of geguritan AGPB by GP, including the
aspects of the sound, the peculiarities of diction/word choice and morphological
markers aspects, style, and imaging aspects. Secondary data are indirectly
interviews with the authors and the researchers in the form of supporting books as
the reference. Source of data that are used in this research is the anthology of
geguritan named Antologi Geguritan Puser Bumi by Gampang Prawoto which
contains 73 titles of geguritan. There are ten titles of Javanese poem that are
analyzed. The population of this research is all units of language that carries the
sound aspect, the peculiarities of diction/word choice and morphological markers
aspects, language style, and imaging aspects contained in the data source. The
sample of this research is all units of language that carries the sound aspect, the
peculiarities of diction/word choice and morphological markers aspects, language
style, imaging aspects contained within ten geguritan title to represent the
population. Data collecting is reading method using the basic technique, called
study library and then it is followed by a technical note. The method used to
analyzeis distributional method and equivalent method. Method distributional
used to analyze the aspects of sound, diction and morphological while the
equivalent method is used to analyze the style of language and the aspects of
imaging, with the technic of Pilah Unsur Penetu (PUP) using referential sorting
power. The method used to present the result of data analysis is formal method
and informal method.
The results of the data analysis AGPB by GP as follows: The using of tonal
aspect as the assonance/purwakanthi swara, the alliteration/purwakanthi sastra,
and purwakanthi basa/lumaksita, and the peculiarities of diction are: synonyms,
antonyms, vocabulary Indonesian, idiolek pengarang, tembung saroja, tembung
plutan, tembung kawi, and greeting, while the aspects of morphological markers
are like; affixation, reduplikati and compound words. The used of language style
are repetition, asidenton, polisidenton, litotes, tautology, hyperbole, simile,
personification, eponinm, epithet, metonymy, irony, and even/paronomasia. The
aspects of imaging are sight imaging, hearing imaging, smelling imaging, and
motion imaging.