Implementing Read-Pair-Share Technique To Improve Students Reading Comprehension (A Classroom Action Research Conducted At The Eighth Grade Students Of Smp Islam Diponegoro Surakarta In The Academic Year 2013/2014)
Oleh :
Yudi Chandri Setiawan - K2209102 - Fak. KIP
This research aims at: (1) identify whether and to what extent Read-Pair-Share technique improves students‟ reading comprehension, and (2) describe the class climate when the teacher implements Read-Pair-Share technique in reading activity. The method used in this research was a classroom action research. The research has been implemented within two sequenced cycles at the eighth grade students of SMP Islam Diponegoro Surakarta in the first semester of the academic year 2013/2014 from August 21th to September 23th 2013. The research data were collected by using techniques of qualitative and quantitative method. The qualitative method includes observation, field notes, interview, diary, and photograph. Meanwhile, the technique of collecting data using quantitative method was a test. The results of this research showed that the students‟ comprehension had improved and the changes of classroom climate became more motivating. The improvement in students‟ reading comprehension includes: 1) students could understand word meaning; 2) students could identify the referents of the pronouns found in the text; 3) the students could identify specific information based on the text; 4) students could identify generic structure of descriptive text; 5) students could identify implied meaning based on text; 6) students could identify main idea based on text; and 7) students could infer communicative purpose of the text. The final result of the tests showed that their scores were improving in the mean scores; from 63.2 (pre-test) to 73.8 (post-test1) and 83.1 (post-test2). It was above the minimum standard of the school (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimuml/KKM), which is 76.00. Related to the improvement in the class climate, the research findings showed that 1) students give more attention to teaching learning process; 2) students tend to be active learners; and 3) students are willing to speak English in the classroom. Besides two findings above, there are improvements of the students learning activity, including: 1) students enjoy and get interested in the classroom situation; 2) all students are involved in the teaching learning process; 3) students solve the problem by discussion and share their idea.