A Translation Study of Ecological Terms in the Book Entitled Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul
Oleh :
Anggila Briyan Priskilawati - C0308079 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This study was designed (1) to describe the ways the translator translated the ecological terms in the Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul book, (2) to identify the accuracy of the ecological terms translation, (3) to identify the naturalness of the ecological terms translation.
This study is a descriptive qualitative research. In collecting the data, purposive sampling was applied. The data of this research are 90 ecological terms which were taken from an inspirational book entitled Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul and also the information got from 3 raters and 7 respondents about accuracy and acceptability.
The finding of the analysis on the translation techniques reveals that there are ninetypes of translation techniques applied by the translator. They are naturalization (7 data), cultural equivalent (1 data), established equivalent (21 data), transference (14 data), addition (2 data), generalization (3 data), reduction (2 data), expansion (6 data), and couplets (34 data). The result dealing with the translation quality shows that the translations of ecological terms tend to be accurate but less acceptable, with 82 data accurate, 7 data less accurate, 1 datum inaccurate, 26 acceptable, 50 less acceptable, and 14 data not acceptable. This research is intended to bring benefits for students, translators, and other researchers who are interested in observing the ecological terms translation. This research can be used as a reference about the ecological terms translation in novel or inspirational book for the readers.