The Implementation Of Using Computer-Assisted Language Learning (Call) In Teaching Writing To The English Secondary School Students (A Case Study On The Second Grade Students Of State Vocational School 6 Surakarta Central Java In The Academic Year Of 2013
Oleh :
Ahmad Abdusalam Ramadan - S891208059 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
The objectives of this study are: (1) to describe the implementation of Computer-Assisted Language Learning in teaching writing to English students, (2) to find out the advantages and disadvantages encountered by the English teacher and the students during the teaching and learning process, and (to) to investigate the students’ achievement in the implementation of CALL used by English teacher in teaching writing skill.
The research method is qualitative research in which the design is case study. The place of study is State Vocational School 6 Surakarta in the academic year of 2013/2014. The techniques of collecting data are observation, interview, and documentation. The technique of data validity is triangulation method and the data analysis technique is inductive approach they are unitizing, sampling, coding, reducing, inferring and narrating the answer.
The analysis on the data shows that: (1) CALL as tutorial programs are used for collecting, presenting and guiding information, teaching rules, as well as teaching problem-solving techniques to students. It presents information in small units with sentences, graphics, and sound. CALL is being used widely for word processing. Most of the students have access to word processing in completing their paper and assignment. to write idea, outline, first writing, editing and final writing. The role of CALL being used by the teacher that computer provides immediate record of students progress. The spelling and grammar checking are available to students. A thesaurus makes it easier for them to change and find right word to edit, (2) The advantages are motivating students to learn, providing practical skill for students, helping teacher to reduce students’ boring. The disadvantages are consuming more time, teacher has much effort for the teacher in helping students to make sentence and operate computer, and the student needs to master computer skill, and (3) The students’ achievement can be enhanced, because it increase authentic materials for study, encourage greater interaction between teachers and students and students and peers motivated to learn.
This study implies that CALL is useful media to motivate students in writing. CALL effects on computer literacy, target language learning skills, and classroom climate in terms of enjoyment and comfort. On the negative side, there are still concerns about technical difficulties interfering with the learning process such as the ability in operating computer