Analisis Faktor-Faktor Terjadinya Kredit Bermasalah Pada Pd. Bkk Pasar Kliwon Surakarta
Oleh :
Lucia Winda Ardya R - F3311075 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
This research aimed to find out the factors contributing to non-performing loan and the attempt of dealing with the non-performing loan.
The factors contributing to non-performing loan in PD. BKK Pasar Kliwon of Surakarta based on the 5 Cs principles included: character of customers abusing the loan granted, capacity of customers not making cost accounting so that there was no control over cost, capital of customers limited to loan only, collateral, some of which are still mutual ownership so that the analyst should look for evidence of mutual agreement from the collateral owners, and condition because economic condition, season and individual fate are difficult to predict.
The attempts the PD. BKK Pasar Kliwon of Surakarta had taken to deal with the non-performing loan were: improving the quality of analyst (character), conduction collection process, rescheduling, reconditioning and restructuring (capacity), reprimanding/warning the customer (capital), consulting the customer’s family, particularly his/her beneficiary, concerning his/her solvency for the debtor who had passed away (collateral), and loan removal (condition).
From the discussion above, the writer recommended the loan analyst to recognize the character of customer, background of customer family, and whether or not he/she had bad history in his/her neighborhood. Regarding capacity, training/small seminar should be held for the customers who were not willing to make/account the cost correctly; in the term of capital, the customer’s business should be monitored monthly or quarterly. Regarding the collectively owned collateral, the loan analyst should have evidence that the collateral had gotten permission from those entitled, and the condition should be monitored regarding whether or not the economic development affected the customers’ business and discussion could be held to help find a solution.