Lecturer’s Written Correction
Oleh :
Dayat - S891208011 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
The aims of this study are to explore: (1) how the lecturers gives written
correction to student’s writing; (2) how the students respond the lecturers’ written
correction; and (3) how far lecturer’s written correction affects the students’
improvement in writing accuracy. This thesis is qualitative study with a single
case study design. The research was conducted at Veteran Bangun Nusantara
University Sukoharjo.The participants included one lecturer and eight Educational
English students in the third semester. The method of inquiry was an instrumental
case study at a single site by using semi-structured and focus-group interviews,
direct observation and documentary analysis. The data were analyzed by using
interactive analysis model.
The findings show: (1) the implementation of written correction:
Providing written correction was conducted after the students submitted their final
draft to the lecturer. The lecturer mostly used indirect correction technique
(39.0%); direct correction (10.0%); metalinguistics, on error code (5.0%); focused
(5.5%); unfocused (34.5%); and reformulation (6.0%) in correcting students’
writing errors. In correcting the lecturer gave underline, cross, and strikethrough
to the incorrect forms; (2) The students’ response on the lecturer’s written
correction in terms of students’ preference towards different types of written
correction, there was main discrepancy between the students’ preference and the
lecturer’s perception. All students preferred direct correction to other techniques
while the lecturer used dominantly indirect correction. To make use the
correction, the students followed up the correction by learning and revising; and
(3) all students and the lecturer agreed that LWC was important for them because
by receiving correction from their lecturer, they could learn from the errors they
had made. Finally, the written correction affected the students’ improvement on
writing accuracy: grammatical structure, content, organization, vocabulary and
The findings of this study indicate that written correction is helpful for
students to enhance their writing accuracy. Therefore, it is recommended that the
lecturer should provide written correction on the students’ writing. Furthermore, it
is suggested that the lecturer should consider the students’ preference on types of
written correction technique in providing correction in the students’ writing.