A Translation analysis of compound-complex sentences in a novel entitled black beauty
Oleh :
Anggun Rachmawati Putri - C0308019 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This research focuses on the analysis of compound-complex sentences in a novel entitled Black Beauty. The objectives of this research are to find out of how compound-complex sentences in the novel Black Beauty are translated into Indonesian in terms of categories of the translation variations and the translation techniques applied by the translator, and to find out the accuracy, acceptability, and the readability of the translation of compound-complex sentences. This research applied a descriptive qualitative method and used purposive sampling technique. The data of this research are 143 compound-complex sentences and their translation in the novel entitled Black Beauty and the information from the three raters and nine respondents about the accuracy, acceptability, and the readability of the translation. The result of the data analysis shows that there are 11 categories found in translating compound-complex sentence in this novel. The categories are: a compound-complex sentence in the source text which is translated into simple sentence(s) (3 data), complex sentence(s) (22 data), compound-complex sentence(s) with the same number of clauses (19 data), compound-complex sentence(s) with the different number of clauses (11 data), simple sentence(s) and complex sentence(s) (35 data), simple sentence(s) and compound sentence(s) (3 data), simple sentence(s) and compound-complex sentence(s) (10 data), complex sentence(s) and compound sentence(s) (3 data), compound sentence(s) and compound-complex sentence(s) (2 data), complex sentence(s) and compound- complex sentence(s) (24 data), the translation of compound-complex sentence in the source text might consist of more than two different types of sentence in the target text (11 data). There are 8 techniques found; literal translation, unit-shift, class-shift, structure-shift, bound modulation, free modulation, addition, and omission. The accuracy shows that the data tends to be accurate with 110 numbers of data are accurate, 32 data less-accurate and 1 datum inaccurate. The acceptability shows that the data tends to be acceptable with 123 numbers of data are acceptable, 19 data less-acceptable and 1 datum unacceptable. The readability shows that the translation tends to be readable with 75 numbers of data are readable, 49 data less-readable and 19 data unreadable. It is hoped that in translating compound-complex sentences, the translator consider the sentence meaning and form which must be accurate and acceptable, and readable.