

The Roles Of English Teacher Working Group (Mgmp) To Support Teacher Professional Development

Oleh :
Yusawinur Barella - S891208056 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Professional development (PD) is one of the key determinants in improving knowledge, attitudes, and skills of a teacher. The roles of MGMP in improving the teacher’s professionalism is becoming more important when the government is implementing new curriculum. This research aims at finding out the roles of English Teacher Working Group (MGMP Guru Bahasa Inggris) to Support Teacher Professionalism Development to Junior High Schools in Kota Pontianak in the academic year of 2013/2014. The population was the English teachers of SMP, students, the board of management of English MGMP of Junior High School, and Vice-Principles of Curriculum from State Junior High School in Kota Pontianak. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Sampling is done by purposive sampling. Techniques of data collection is done through in-depth interviews, direct observation, document analysis. Data analysis techniques in the form of interactive analysis techniques. Further data have been obtained are done by triangulation method to obtain truly valid data. Based on research data analysis it can be concluded that; (1) English MGMP for Junior High School in Kota Pontianak contribute greatly to the development of Junior High School English teacher professionalism in Kota Pontianak in terms of; a) developing the syllabus; b) annual and semester program; c) lesson plan; d) developing teaching method and the innovative learning model; e) developing the use of teaching media and the evaluation system and improving the teachers professional competence; (2) English MGMP in Kota Pontianak still found obstacles in its implementation so that it is needed for solving the problems in order the activities of English MGMP run better for the following years. Finally, English teachers are recommended to participate English MGMP to improve their professional competence..