
Evaluasi Sistem Akuntansi Penerimaan Kas Dari Pendapatan Jasa Pelayanan Pengiriman Wesel Pos Pada Pt. Pos Indonesia Kantor Pos Pemeriksa Solo

Oleh :
Kartika Tirayu Viesta Sukma Prasetya - F3311070 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

The purpose of this research is to evaluate how the implementation of cash receipts accounting systems from revenue service sending wesel pos in PT. Pos Indonesia Kantor Pos Pemeriksa (Kprk) Solo, and to know the strengths and weaknesses in the cash receipt accounting system from revenue service of sending wesel pos in Kprk Solo. The methode which is used of this research is observation, live practice and interview. The result of this research to find the strengths and weaknesses of cash receipts accounting systems from sending wesel pos in Kprk Solo. The strengths is the handling of cash receipt transactions are not carried out by one person, there is a separation of functions between the cash receipt functions with the accounting function, there is supervisor in every part, there is a rotation of the position, and posting into the accounting records made by the function that was authorized. The weaknesses is sometimes the document did not get authorization, any procedure that is not running as it should be, as well as the lack of supervision from superiors. Based on the result of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the cash receipts accounting systems from revenue service of sending wesel pos in Kprk Solo is already good enough. That cash receipt accounting system would be better still if there is supervision from superiors, improving discipline employees, and procedures should be performed in accordance with predetermined.