

The Implementation Of Inquiry-Based Teaching To Teach Reading (A Case Study On Teaching Reading For English For Academic Purposes To Graduate Students Of Sebelas Maret University In Academic Year 2012/2013)

Oleh :
Desy Khrisdiyanti - S89110812 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

The research aims at investigating: (1) the considerations of the implementation of IBT to teach reading for EAP, (2) teachers’ comprehension about IBT to teach reading of EAP, (3) the implementation of IBT to teach reading for EAP and, (4) the strengths of the implementation of IBT to teach reading for EAP, (5) the limitations of the implementation of IBT to teach reading for EAP, and (6) students’ achievement on the implementation of IBT to teach reading for EAP. The research is an ethnographic evaluative case study sited at UPT P2B, UNS from September 2012 until January 2014. The sampling technique used is purposeful sampling; three classes of UNS graduate students joining EAP training with the assistance of their respective teachers. The data are collected from class observations as a participant observer, interviews, and document analysis. In a multiple case study where the stages of analysis are the within-case and cross-case analysis, internal validity or credibility, reliability or dependability and external validity or generalizability can be approached through careful attention to a research’s conceptualization and the way in which the data were collected, analyzed, and interpreted, and the way in which the findings are presented. The research concludes that: (1) government policy and academic need are the considerations of the implementation of IBT; (2) (a) teachers’ comprehension about IBT mainly from TOTs held by UPT P2B UNS and other personal development, such as reading books and browsing the internet, (b) EAP teachers’ comprehension about IBT principles leads to active learning and studentcenteredness; (3) The implementation of IBT to teach reading is scrutinized from its design; among others: (a) the objectives, (b) syllabus model, (c) teaching learning activities, (d) learners role, (e) teacher, and (f) roles of instructional materials, and its procedure; (4) the strengths of IBT to teach reading of EAP are (a) IBT provides a means to actively involve students in the learning process, (b) IBT develops and validates habits of mind, and (c) IBT gives students with different learning styles the chance to excel and contribute in the classroom; (5) the limitations of IBT to teach reading of EAP are technical barriers, low cognitive linguistic competence, and cultural barriers, low self confident as well as risk taking, anxiety and inhibition; and (6) students’ achievement on the implementation of IBT to teach reading for EAP is viewed from: (a) students’ pretraining achievement was taken from the EAP pre-test as the criterion-referenced test; 60 is the minimum score, (b) students’ while training achievement contributing 50% of the total outcome was based on the formative or process assessment, in the forms of speaking and writing tasks, and, the result showed a quite significant progress; in Class C05 the range was 31-42%, in Class C08 was xxv 33-44%, and in Class C16 was 38-43%, and (c) students’ post training achievement resulted from both formative or process assessment and summative or product assessment. The product assessments were taken from EAP midterm test, contributing 20%, and EAP post-test, contributing 30% of the total outcome. In Class C05, 3 out of 35 students fail to meet 60 and after taking another test they could pass the minimum grade. In Class C08, only a student out of 31 fails the test, and meets the minimum grade after another test. In Class C16, 4 out of 28 students fail the test, and could make it up after taking another test. This research is expected to provide practical insights and knowledge for English teachers, avid readers, and enthusiastic researchers who might be in needs of descriptive, holistic information about the implementation of IBT to teach reading for adult learning or any other variables of this research.